Cross Country Travels Sri Lanka

Planning a Holiday in Sri Lanka

If you are planning a holiday in Sri Lanka, you have come to the right place!

All you have to do is give us a specific idea about your preferences along the way. Then we will plan your ideal holiday hideouts and activities along the way. We specialise in planning team building activities also.

Our passion in archaeology, history, Mother Nature and adventure goes in hand in hand with holiday making.
Our attention to details places us apart from other bunch.
Since 1979, we are a family run passionate holidaymaker!

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SCUBA Sri Lanka

Room Reservations

Look around BUT contact us to reserve them.


Do you know, while Sri Lanka struggles to meet its foreign debt commitments, companies

like UberBooking.comTripAdvisorExpediaAir bnbAgoda, & Sixth are taking away 100% of profits from this beautiful developing island?




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Cross Country Travels Sri Lanka holds Air Transport License, A-838, from Civil Aviation Authority and
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority‘s certified Travel Agent License, TS/TA/1200.